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“Why a table read?”

You've finished your play. You've sent it out to friends and family. You've carefully considered their notes and revised the play accordingly. Now it's time for the table read.


"The what, now?"


The table read is an essential part of script development. After all, how do you know the thing works until you've heard it read out loud?

The Knack Theatre will cast and produce a table read of your script with a live audience, and will host a Roundtable discussion afterward where you can receive feedback from audience members as well as industry professionals.


The Roundtable is not a small-scale show. The actors are given the script a week in advance but there are no rehearsals before the actual event. This is a cold read. Its purpose is for the writer to hear the dialogue of their script come to life and to get feedback from industry professionals and audience members alike.


Upon booking, you agree that The Knack Theatre will take care of all efforts regarding venue booking, casting, ticketing, and marketing (including the design of promotional materials) of the event.

The cost of the Roundtable Read is $50. Half of this goes to The Knack (to help us keep things running), and the other half (as well as any ticket sales) goes to compensate the actors reading your work. Because of the popularity of these reads, and the work that goes into preparing them, we must charge a $10 cancellation fee.

Check out some of our previous table reads HERE.

All plays submitted, in addition to being reviewed to ensure they meet our values, are expected to meet industry standards of formatting based on The Dramatist Guild Modern Stageplay Template, which looks professional, makes reading easy, allows us to do a Statistics Report, and provides our readers with an estimation of run-time. For more information on formatting, check out the Dramatists Guild's Formatting Guide HERE.

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